Home and School Purchases

Home and School works to raise funds for the benefit of the staff and students at Maple Avenue. Find the additions to the school here.

2023-2024 Planned H&S School Funded Events/Purchases

Courtyard Rejuvenation

As part of a teachers request we are in the middle of transforming our Courtyard into a native prairie/outdoor classroom. Currently, the area was filled with weeds and hard dirt. Plastic sheeting was placed over the area to kill the grass and weeds and any seeds that are currently germinating. Two paths will be put in place from the doors on the south side of the building into the patio area. The patio area will be pressure washed and new locking sand will be placed down to help avoid weeds in the future.

During the weekend of September 30 - October 1st, we are looking for hands on volunteers to help turn soil, plant plants and spread seeds. We also need to mulch the areas under the overhangs next to the school as those areas do not get any sun or rain. Please stop out to visit the area as in during the Great Start Conference.

Maker Space - Technology Area

Mrs. Phillips, the librarian and technology teacher, is adding more S.T.E.A.M. items to our technology and library area. We are working on a 3 Phase approach to getting our Maker Space fully updated. Phase 1 should be completed by the beginning of school.

Phase 1: LEGO Wall

2022-2023 H&S School Funded Events/Purchases

Harvest Dance - October 2022

Art Crawl - February 2023

Spring Formal 4th Grade Dance - April 2023

Art Kiln - Installed Spring 2023

Maple Avenue’s beloved art teacher, Mrs. Woywood requested a new kiln in 2022. The old kiln was not only not working well, it required additional trips into school on non school days to monitor and turn off.

Maple Avenue is now current with comparable schools in terms of art tools. In addition to the kiln, racks were purchased and trays for student art to dry freeing up counter space and allowing more organization in the art room.

Mascot Costume - Fall 2022

Look for Whiskers the Wildcat at any Maple Avenue events!

Gaga Pit - Installed Spring 2023

Through the amazing efforts of the students and their fundraising during the Fun Run - we were able to purchase and install a gaga pit.

Seat Back Holders for 3rd and 4th Grade - Fall 2022

During the 2022-2023 school year, the third and fourth graders had two teachers each. The idea was to help the students gets ready for SSI. The teachers requested setback holders to help the students whose desk was in a different classroom. This helped streamline the process for the students and allowed Home and School to actively support Maple Avenue Teachers.